Perhaps, one of the reasons why you are working so hard, is to achieve your dreams. It may be a dream of becoming a millionnaire, having a successful marriage, being one of the most influential people, meeting your favorite music icons and the likes. But, what is embarrassing is that, when you realize that these are only a punch on the moon and remain to be impossible.  Now, the question is, have you ever realized that they can be yours with the power of your imagination?
Imagination is a special power that you can take advantage of and consider as an alternative to achieve what you want. It is your consolation when you feel that everything seems to be tough and deprives you. The best thing about it is that, you are neither required to spend a dime nor exert more effort to be successful. The moment you start imagining, you are directed to multiple streams of dreams. Thus, giving you the unlimited happiness and satisfaction.
Imagine yourself, being one of the rich personalities in the world, enjoying a dinner with your family in a mansion, experiencing an adventure trip around the world and all the luxuries in life. It is definitely possible. In fact, you can even go beyond the material world. You can be the newest member of the justice league of the supernatural beings, an enchanted or anything that you want to be just like in the fairy tales. The world has a lot more to offer if you just keep on imagining. You can not loose. Just keep an eye to where you might be taken by your imagination and everything will be great.
Yes, you will be facing the reality as you stop imagining but, at least, you had a wonderful and fulfilling experience amidst your journey. That, you were given the guarantee of possessing everything for free with the power of your imagination.

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